"The Present is the time for thee" (section). collage and mixed media by Ian Potts.

This piece of art may be available for you to own, please contact e-on-arts@hotmail.com for details.
My current art practice is mostly concerned with organising large community events, street art and producing installations in local schools. However, when I find time to paint, I often include a recurring theme of the passage of time. I depict a space or landscape, not only as it is, but as it may have been and perhaps as it one day may become: a fusion of past, present and future. I want to show an ethereal moment, a shadow seen briefly, a trick of the light and the accidental. Sometimes I add found objects from the landscape to the piece, or make marks with things around me.
"The Quay*, a mixed media and collage by Ian Potts

This piece of art may be available for you to own, please contact e-on-arts@hotmail.com for details.

Back in the studio I often use text (usually words which are to hand at that moment, chance elements found in newspapers, books and ephemera.) They could even be lyrics from a song meaning the piece may read as a passage from a book or diary. This records the timing and mechanics of picture making, as well as the subject that is depicted.
"The Yards", a mixed media collage by Ian Potts.

This piece of art may be available for you to own, please contact e-on-arts@hotmail.com for details.
Recently I have been developing a series around the theme of the fragility of life, something I am becoming increasingly aware of with advancing years. This series is moving my work into 3D relief pieces, glass and mixed media collages.
"Fragile", a mixed media collage by Ian Potts

This piece of art may be available for you to own, please contact e-on-arts@hotmail.com for details.
"If You Build it They Will Come", mixed media and collage by Ian Potts

This piece of art may be available for you to own, please contact e-on-arts@hotmail.com for details.

Private collectors include Mr. David Milliband M.P. and Mr. Jeff Brown (BBC Look North presenter.) Corporate collectors include University of Sunderland, Abbeyfield Soc. Interiors, Plymouth NHS, Ancient & Modern, Liebherr Cranes, Sunderland Tourist Information Centre, University of Hanoi in Vietnam, Moon Gallery.